The Anabin database lists information on all institutions and degrees that have been evaluated by the Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) in Germany to date. The database is currently available only in German. You need to make sure of two things in the Anabin database:
1. The educational institution where you got your degree must be rated as "H+" in Anabin.
2. Your degree must be listed there as equal ("gleichwertig") or similar ("entspricht") to a German bachelor's degree.
In this guide you will find out:
How to search for your university institution on Anabin
Step 1. Start of the search

Step 2. Select the country of your institution
Click on “Länderauswahl öffnen” (Open country selection), select the country you have studied at and confirm by clicking “Länderauswahl bestätigen” (Confirm country selection).

Step 3. Narrow down your results
After selecting your country, you should see the name of the country you selected on the right hand side. In the lower part of the screen you will now see the search results. To narrow down the results, you can add additional filters, such as “Orte” (City/town), “Institutionstypen” (Institution type) or individual search terms. You should use German transliteration for your search (e.g. country, city, individual search terms).

Step 4. Check the results
Navigate to your institution and check the “Status“ column for your university. To get the complete search results, click on the purple icon with the white “+“ sign. Once you clicked on the plus sign, the pop-up windows with further details about your university will appear. The most important part of that pop-up window is the “Status” section. Here your university is classified as H+, H+/- or H- (see below for what these different classifications mean).

What does the Anabin university status mean?
H+ means the institution is fully recognized in Germany.
H+/- means that there is no clear recognition status for your university and each degree is evaluated and decided on a case-by-case basis.
H- means the foreign qualification is not recognized in Germany.
If your university has an H+ or H+/- status, you still have to look up your particular degree since the degree must also be recognised as „entspricht“ or „gleichwertig“ (German for “equivalent” or “corresponding”) to a German university degree.