Your Work Opportunity in Germany

Green Professionals provides a pathway for electrical professionals from non-EU countries to establish their careers in Germany. We advances your career by placing you in skilled positions that match your qualifications.

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Experience the Benefits of Our Services
Opportunities in Germany
We connect you with top opportunities in the electronics industry. We are dedicated to finding roles that perfectly match your skills and qualifications.
Preparation for Success
Our comprehensive training programs, including industry-specific courses and language skills development, are designed to prepare you for success in your new role.
Relocation Process
We make your transition worry-free. From handling visa applications to ensuring you have a valid residence permit, our team supports you on the way.
Education and Integration
Once in Germany, you will continue to enhance your skills through advanced language courses and further professional training.
Skill Recognition
We handle all the bureaucratic processes for you, from credential evaluation to professional recognition.
No Recruitment Fees
Join us with the assurance that the recruitment fee is covered by your future employer.
How Our Process Works
Application Phase
We start with your needs and goals. After presenting you with pre-qualified positions that match your profile, we coordinate all aspects of your job interviews.
Pre-Arrival Training
You'll undergo thorough preparatory training abroad, ensuring you arrive in Germany ready to impress with solid language skills and specific industry knowledge. This blend of in-person and online learning guarantees your best preparation.
Arrival Coordination
We manage every detail of your arrival, from visas to work permits, and assist with practical life aspects in Germany, ensuring a smooth start.
Post-Arrival Qualification
Immediately upon arrival, you'll engage in your job while continuing language education and professional training, facilitated by our network of expert partners.
Recognition Process
Once you have settled in Germany, we guide you through the process of having your professional qualifications recognized. This crucial step ensures that your skills and experience are formally acknowledged, allowing you to practice your profession legally and effectively in Germany.

Apply at Green Professionals

If you are an electrician, electrical technician, or electrical engineer from a non-EU country and qualify for the Opportunity Card, apply with Green Professionals to advance your career in Germany.

Job Offers

Check If You Qualify for the Opportunity Card

The Opportunity Card is your gateway to a thriving career in Germany's electrical sector. It's designed for non-EU professionals who aim to leverage their skills in a dynamic new environment. Eligibility for the Opportunity Card depends on various factors, including your professional background and qualifications.

Opportunity Card Calculator
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